“My gratitude for this amazing woman and for so many magic moments with you that illuminate the heart.”
“You shine a beautiful light and energy which will be with me always.”
“I’m so happy and honored to know JoAnn and the beautiful gift she is to this world. As a friend, woman, mother, healer, artist, teacher and elder of our human family she has been a very important pillar for the co-creation and growth of our community. Through her magic, her wisdom, and her sweet approach to healthy spiritual practices she has been an example and inspiration for a harmonic holistic way of life ; thanks to her guidance and support I have been able to continue expanding my own medicine. Her medicine reaches the hearts of many. Much gratitude and love!”
"Jo Ann is a remarkable human being, filled with love's generosity, enormous creativity, and an exceptional gift of presence wherever she is."
“Thank you for helping me, forever learning, remembering and reminding me to give pure thanks for this experience of being.”
“You are an angel.”
“Jo Ann is a woman of the great mystery, a beautiful radiant goddess, deeply connected to the healing energies of Pacha Mama and all the sacred elements. Her breathing ceremonies are a journey into the spirit world, into the unseen realms of internal states, beyond time and space. Through breath she guides people inwards and helps us to discover our own inner healer. She is loving and wise and generous with her teachings. She has supported me as a sister and a wise one through deep parts of my own shadow work.
Jo Ann supports creation in all realms from her Rose Cottage garden to her birthing room where many babies are born into this world. She is a sweat lodge keeper, an activist, a film maker, an architect, a medicine woman and she is always saying yes to the nectar of life and the multiple expressions this sweetness takes. Her songs speak to the soul and connect us to the truth of oneness and will rock you like a baby.”
"She holds space like a grandma fills the living room of a house, always making you feel welcome and loved just as you are."
“You were the “beacon in the night” which we could focus on through this most wonderful experience. You helped guide our beautiful baby into the light. Thank you for sharing your loving heart and spirit with us during this very special time in our lives.”
“You are a wonderful loving human being. You were very generous in what you gave to me - that was a very profound experience for me.”
“I have attended many ceremonies, sweat lodges and workshops to which JoAnn hosted and I have always felt really inspired by her, pulled to open my heart and to speak my truth. I always leave feeling more open after being with her; and this carries on to my daily life. I feel she is a great example of someone who is very much in touch with her gifts and is not afraid to share them, and I always find this inspiring. She holds space like a grandma fills the living room of a house, always making you feel welcome and loved just as you are. She encourages deep self searching and I feel really blessed to have her in my life.”
"You were the 'beacon in the night' which we could focus on through this most wonderful birthing experience."
“This time with you has been eye-opening and soul-awakening. From the wisdom of your experience you are the voice that real life, happiness and being authentic are very important.”
“Thank you JoAnn for how lovingly you have touched my life. My birthing , my labour, my weeping in the night was met by your strength and wisdom... I celebrate your energy and softness, and the joy of Nodin’s birth that came in the morning. Happy mother of us all~ for the gifts you give all women you welcome at their babe’s birth.”
“You have the ability to open doors of the psyche through the breath and to be with the emotions of human beings no matter how uncomfortable they may be. This is the gift of being an empath, you easily connect to others pain, joy, sorrow, anger, whatever it may be and you are able to be with it and move through it, with unconditional love.
Not only do I see you as a mentor, teacher, mother, grandmother, and friend, but also as keeper of the stories and wisdom of our ancestors. Stories that need to be told and shared. You bring such bright light, I hope the whole world can experience it for themselves, especially in these challenging, transitional times where it can be hard to find your way. I feel so blessed to have such immense beauty, comfort and love in my life. You are so precious.”
"This time with you has been eye-opening and soul-awakening."
“You hold a place of sacredness and beauty, of fertility, abundance and power and most of all...ancient truth. You have an adventurous spirit’s quest for truth and joy and a vitally alive presence that sustains us all.”
“Thank you so very much for holding space for us with so much light and warmth in your heart. I am eternally grateful.”
“JoAnn is a beautifully inspiring Human, possessing a Golden Heart. Her presence in my life has touched me in countless ways. She has graced me with her deep wisdom, knowledge, intuition, and heart filled compassion. She is a Heart Whisperer. She always offers love, comfort, a listening ear, a gracious balance of her masculine/feminine. When in her presence it is as though time and space melt away, and each of us synergistically joins in the confluence of many streams uniting, effortlessly. She exudes Love. Love is at the foundation of all that she is. She holds space in an impeccable way, fueled by the countless light beings she’s witnessed and assisted come through the birth canal. She feels to me to be a Gate Keeper of sorts. A Divine Light Being conscious of Her Divine Essence.
She is Radiance, She is Love. Her wisdom, creativity, passion for learning and Soul travel is immense. JoAnn is a truly gifted healer. She brings Love, Joy, Beauty and Grounding to all. JoAnn is a blessing to my life, a blessing to the World.”
"JoAnn is a blessing to my life, a blessing to the World."
“JoAnn is a remarkable human being, filled with love’s generosity, enormous creativity, and an exceptional gift of presence wherever she is. I’ve known her for nearly 20 years and I see how she expands the space where life can be and is born in stunning ways from the grounded activities of architecting her home, creating beautiful gardens in the summer and labyrinth in the winter snow - all of which is shared with her community - to holding space for children to be born in her birthing room, and to the innocent yet wise child in us returned to us and nurtured in her healing room.
Life is clearly a ceremony for JoAnn and the dreams of those around her are woven by her into a pattern of understanding deeper because her work, at all levels, connects us to what we are connected to: each other and all our relations. JoAnn is a force for the change and evolution in our world and for that, I’m deeply grateful because I know that path isn’t always easy, yet her spirit is strong, a beacon of light and possibility for us all.”
“Your beautiful loving kind mamma energy has provided me with the faith and strength in birth as a natural ancestral experience. Thank you thank you.”
— Tracy Lewis, Colin Knight and baby Merlyn
“You provided me the support and love to allow myself to reach the depths I needed. It was a long journey that I could only have imagined spent here with you. There are not many words that can express how thankful I am.”
"You have the gift of an empath...you easily connect to others pain, joy, sorrow, anger, whatever it may be and you are able to be with it and move through it, with unconditional love."
“Words cannot fully describe the incredible awe and gratitude we have for having found you. You are a sanctuary of Love and Light. Woman/Goddess ~ you are the embodiment of Grace!”
“Thank you for helping our dream birth come true! You gave us so much love and support, gentle compassionate soul. I would look in your eyes and feel pure light goddess of serenity... of purity. You are absolutely beautiful.”
“Being a genuinely generous and loving person has made JoAnn an important community member and she is an incredible offering to the lives she has touched. In the events she facilitates, her nurturing nature regularly helps me to understand and develop my own natural compassion. I leave feeling calm, and with a centred sense of being grounded.”
"The revelations that resulted from that session were truly extraordinary and have helped immeasurably! I am now a 'whole' person, more whole than I've ever been, more than I've ever felt in my life!"
“Consciousness breathing with JoAnn has been an exquisite experience of learning, sharing, delight and transformation. Her presence and genuine care for the participants is very tangible. In the sessions you are supported by her wisdom that comes through a wealth of experience and by her kindness and grace. She is a very bright light and special being. I look forward to more learning and unfoldment with her.”
“I have known Jo Ann for years, not only as national coordinator of the International Breathwork Foundation and organizer of the Global Inspiration Conference in Canada ...but as sister, colleague, citizen of the world sharing my passion for indigenous culture, wild nature and deep concern for ecology.
This wise woman and mother is like a diamond, with numerous facets : birth attendant, architect, breathworker, moviemaker, carrier of sacred traditions, singer, pilgrim and pragmatic optimist. She is a warm and caring friend, always supportive and community oriented.
Her workshops go to the core of someones heart. She is a Pacifist Warrior who can incarnate strength, direction, and vision in order to protect values important for a healthy community. Deep ecology, collective intelligence, honoring diversity, respect for the circle of life in all forms. This professional walks her talk, and walks her walk in Beauty, Grace and...Humour. I strongly recommend Jo Ann as a visionary, mentor, coach, speaker, facilitator of transitions and change catalyst.”
"Your love is extremely precious and rare in this world.. it gives life to many."
“Since the day we met you in 1987 you have always been my inspirational sister. In breath sessions the accompanied music and your soft instructions during the sessions I can still feel near. Thank you for that and for all your support! I wish you all the best.”
“Thanks for being the proof that dreams are reality waiting to happen and that life is beautiful because all it takes is to have a long deep breath. You are an amazing powerful lady gifted with so much magic. Thank you for the the abundance you shared relentlessly with me ...your gifts of generosity, compassion, understanding, laughter, knowledge and growth. Through you I got to see that the process of relationship is a constant blooming of passion, love, evolution and support. This was an amazing gift.”
"I am grateful for the potent oral tradition that Mama Jo continues on. Through her song, dance and story-telling, we are able to continue to share the teachings of our ancestors to all the future generations to come."
“Beloved JoAnn, I really appreciate your energy and presence pouring the sweatlodge.... and... what you hold for us! I am so happy to know you, and that you are always holding such a shining bright light for the evolution of our community.”
“How healing your Love is. The Beautiful Prayers you spoke into my Heart have enDeared me forever towards Life in this World.. Your love is extremely precious and rare in this world.. it gives life to many, I’m sure.. but I’m one of the few who’s never known nor experienced much of it from others so your prayers were PROFOUND.
thank you, Blessed Mother ☆”
"Through the holy breath, Jo Ann guides people inwards and helps us to discover our own inner healer. She has supported me like sister and a wise one through deep parts of my own shadow work."
“I bow my head in dear, sacred reverence to the good Creator for allowing me the good company of Jo Ann Lowell (Mama Jo). My time spent with her in various spaces (International Indigenous Leadership Gathering, Shambhala Music Festival, Rose Cottage/Womb Garden, Paradise Valley) have always served to be deeply nourishing and soul fulfilling experiences.
I thoroughly enjoy every opportunity I get to spend with Mama Jo. Her presence has the ability to pull something great out from our deepest and darkest places within our psyches, leaving one feeling purified, naked and empowered. Her guidance in my life has reminded me of my soul purpose of being a midwife - to be of service of those undergoing the continual process of life-death-rebirth cycle.
I am grateful for the potent oral tradition that Mama Jo continues on. Through song, dance and story-telling, we are able to continue to share the teachings of our ancestors to all future generations to come. I am constantly inspired by her ability as a shapeshifter to adapt to any situation whilst maintaining her true, authentic self. Simply put, I am grateful to have found Jo Ann Lowell in this lifetime and I look forward to the many more opportunities to love and grow together.
~To All My Relations~”